5 Best Moves to Tone Your Arms without Weights

tone arms without weights

Who doesn’t want to have fierce and toned arms! However, going to the gym after a tiring day and exercising with weights can be a drag. Moreover, it is not easy to find arm workouts without weights. Don’t worry, you have done the hard work for you and have compiled some arm workouts without weight.

5 Best Moves to Tone Your Arms without Weights

1. Wall Push ups

wall push ups tone arms

How to Do:

  • Stand straight facing a wall. Your face has to be 6 inches away from the wall. Keep the hands on the wall about a shoulder distance apart.
  • Keeping both the feet on the ground, step back as far as possible.
  • As you go down into a push-up, inhale. The glutes should be tucked when you are descending. When you push away from the wall, exhale.

Number of Repetitions: Do this 10 times initially and then gradually increase the count.

How it Helps: Apart from strengthening and toning your arms, it adjusts the difficulty level, making it easier for you to do regular pushups.

2. Floor Dips

floor dips exercise for arms

How to Do:

  • Sit on the floor and keep the knees bent. The fingers and the feet should be facing forward. Your position should be like you are going to do crab walk.
  • Tighten the glutes and tuck your abs. start lifting the pelvis till your body is in reverse table top position.
  • Lower the body as you bend the arms and activate the triceps.
  • As you get close to the floor, make sure that your butt is off the floor. This way the arm and the core muscles will be active.

Number of Repetitions: Keep doing this for one minute.

How it Helps: The benefit of this exercise is that it tones down the muscles and increases strength in triceps.

3. Arm Circles

arm circles for flabby arms

How to Do:

  • Stand with the feet a shoulder distance apart. Stretch both the arms to the side so that it forms a ‘T’ with the body.
  • Rotate the arms and the shoulder slowly for making forward circles. The circles have to be around 1 foot in diameter.
  •  Do 15 circles and change the direction.

Number of Repetitions: Do 15 circles in each direction and do a total of 3 sets.

How it Helps: This simple exercise will give you fit and sculpted arms without any fancy equipment.

4. Triceps Dips

triceps dips for arms

How to Do:

  • Place the hands a shoulder-width apart on a furniture that you using for propping yourself.
  • Shift the bottom and the pelvis so that there is a gap of 3-6 inch in between the object and the back.
  • Bend the legs at an angle of 90 degrees and keep the feet planted on the ground.
  • Lower your body and then come back up. Do this slowly.

Number of Repetitions: Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

How it Helps: This helps in building triceps using body weight.

5. Plank Side Walk

plank side walk for arms

How to Do:

  • Start in elevated plank position, keeping the arms extend below the shoulder and palms on the ground.
  • Stretch the legs behind as the toes press the floor.
  • Instead of the stationary position, walk the feet and hand to one side. Take 2-3 steps in a direction.
  • Come back to the starting and repeat it with the other direction.

Number of Repetitions: Do this for 1 minute.

How it Helps: As it strengthens the arms, it also tones the abdominal muscles.

Implement this exercise into your busy daily routine to get strong and toned arms without lifting weights.

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