Top 10  Women Who Made World-Changing Discoveries

Almodo's film "Julieta" poignantly explores female agency when one woman reconciles her present situation with her past decisions. 


Ada Lovelace

Often considered the world's first computer programmer, she wrote the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine.

Barbara McClintock

A Nobel Prize-winning geneticist whose work on maize genetics helped establish the concept of genetic recombination

Hedy Lamarr

An actress and inventor who co-invented frequency hopping, a technology that laid the groundwork for modern wireless communications.

Katherine Johnson

A mathematician whose calculations were critical to the success of NASA's early space missions, including Project Mercury and the Apollo program.

Dorothy Hodgkin

A Nobel Prize-winning chemist who used X-ray crystallography to determine the structures of important biological molecules, including insulin and vitamin B12

Stephanie Kwolek

The inventor of Kevlar, a synthetic fibre that is five times stronger than steel and has revolutionised industries such as bulletproof vests and tire construction

Marie Curie

The first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields (Physics and Chemistry). Her groundbreaking research on radioactivity

Margaret Hamilton

A computer scientist who led the development of software for the Apollo Guidance Computer, a crucial component of the Apollo space program

Grace Hopper

A computer scientist and Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy who developed the first compiler, a program that translates human-readable code into machine language.

Rosalind Franklin

A biophysicist whose X-ray diffraction work was crucial in understanding the structure of DNA, a discovery that revolutionised genetic