8 Expert Tips to 

Sleep Like a Pro with Curly Hair 

Source: Coverr

1. Side Sleeping

Explain the benefits of sleeping on your side or stomach to avoid crushing curls.

Source: Unsplash

2. Hair Tying

Recommend loosely pulling up and tying hair to prevent flattening.

Source: Unsplash

3. Silk or Satin Pillowcase

Highlight the importance of using these materials to reduce friction and maintain hair's natural oils.

Source: Unsplash

4. Silk or Satin Bonnet

Discuss how wearing a bonnet can protect curls, especially for black women.

Source: Amazon

5. Loose Bun

Explain how to create a loose bun to prevent stretching and flattening of curls.

Source: Unsplash

6. Plopping

Describe the technique of plopping to preserve curls while sleeping or air-drying.

Source: Unsplash

7. Pineappling

Explain how to tie hair into a loose ponytail or multiple small pineapples to protect curls.

Source: Unsplash

8. Two-strand Twist or Braid

Discuss using these methods to preserve curls overnight.

Source: Unsplash

Source: Coverr