3 Best Cosmetology Schools Near Me In Lynchburg, Virginia

Best Cosmetology Schools In Lynch Burg VA

If you love having the freedom to set your schedule, you may think about looking into a career in Cosmetology. Attending a cosmetology school is the right choice and the first step toward a career that has a wide range of opportunities. Want to work in a metro area that exudes old southern charm, you should consider becoming a cosmetologist in Lynchburg, VA.

Education and experience can make clients will look at you as an expert. The best Cosmetology schools in Lynchburg, VA will help you to become a great beauty professional in the industry.

Keep scrolling to know some top Cosmetology colleges that change your future.

3 Best Cosmetology Schools In Lynchburg, VA

1. Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy In Lynchburg, VA

Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy In Lynch Burg, VA

Sylvain Melloul International Hair Academy is located in Lynchburg, VA, but also offersonline classes. This school offers training in 3 qualifications. They are a cosmetology License, Esthetician License, and Personal Care Assistant (PCA) Certification.

Course details

  • Cosmetology
  • Barbering
  • Esthetic
  • Massage therapy
  • Master esthetic


The month to complete the course is 10 months


Total tuition cost is $ 21657


Sylvain melloul international hair academy is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences


With a successful year, the financial aid department in Sylvain Melloul Int’l Hair Academy will help the student according to federal student aid.

College website: https://smiha.edu/
Social website: https://www.facebook.com/sylvainmelloulhairacademy/

2. Paul Mitchell The School Roanoke In Lynchburg, VA

Paul Mitchell The School Roanoke In Lynch Burg,VA

Paul Mitchell The School Roanoke is passionately committed to providing a solid educational foundation to empower our school team of staff and future professionals in the pursuit of excellence and they believe that when people come first, success will follow.

Course details



Total duration is 2 years


Tuition fee: $ 19034


Paul Mitchell The School Roanoke is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.


In the year 2022, Paul mitchell school placed rank #10 as general cosmetology school issued by the state of Virginia.

College website: https://www.collegetuitioncompare.com/career/bar-palma-beauty-careers-academy/
Social website: https://www.facebook.com/pmtsroanoke/

3. Chris’ Beauty College In Lynchburg, VA

Chris' Beauty College In Lynch Burg, VA

Chris’ Beauty College is designed to prepare the students for a career in the profession of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences. Mainly concentrate on supplement the practical, scientific and business skills of the Cosmetology and Barbering professions.

Course details

  • Cosmetology
  • Manicuring
  • Barbering
  • Instructor course


Total period: 10 months


Total tuition fee: $13,535


Accreditation by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences.


With dynamic, powerful networking, online information a first class job placement can be done in Chris’ Beauty College. The placement exchange can take place to help candidates to find the perfect job.

College website: https://chrisbeautycollege.edu/
Social website: https://www.facebook.com/chrisbeautycollege/photos/


Concluding that chooses what feels right to you and also what fits your budget. We have given some beauty schools with accreditation. Good luck in the search for your cosmetology school.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

Q.What are the other job options for Cosmetologists in lynchburg, VA?

A: Apart from working in a salon and spa, Cosmetologists profession have numerous options, including 1. Fashion show stylist
2. Beauty Salon Owner
3. Theatre makeup artist
4. Personal Stylist

Q.What are the duties included in the cosmetology career?

A:Typical duties of a cosmetologist include 1. Providing hair design services
2. Answering phone calls and making an appointment
3. Need to talk with clients and assist them with styles
4. Need to give a manicure and skin treatment

Q.How to become a successful cosmetologist?

A: Need to follow some steps
1. Have to take educational classes from an accredited institution and get certified
2. Should create a portfolio to apply for jobs
3. Need to build a strong network

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