6 Benefits of Positive Reinforcement in Raising Children

benefits of positive reinforcement for child

Have you shouted at your child a little too much of late? Do you think you lose your temper when you don’t really mean it or want to? Are you trying to bring in a positive change in your parenting style and help your children grow into better individuals? If you feel your attitude towards your children could do with a different approach, trying out positive reinforcement for children could be a good idea. Read on to understand how you can bring about this change.

What Is Positive Reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement is a type of parenting technique where you boost the kind of behavior you want your child to inculcate. It is a technique to use a positive approach as a parent to achieve the desired results. A positive reinforcement technique does not allow the use of any form of shouting, abusing, threatening, punishing, shaming, humiliating or making the child feel guilty.

How Does Positive Reinforcement Benefit Your Child?

Positive Reinforcement Benefit Your Child

Positive reinforcement for kids will be beneficial in the following ways:

  • Positive reinforcement is a simple way to appreciate your child’s action.
  • Once you react to your child’s behavior in a positive way, it shows that you are proud, and you care.
  • Look for the positive things that your child does and highlight those more. Saying things like ‘I am proud of the way you helped the old man’ or ‘I am happy your room is tidy’ will encourage your child to continue his good behavior.
  • Each time you use positive reinforcement, your child will want to do better and try harder than before to make you feel happy.
  • In case of a negative approach or punishment, your child’s main objective will be to avoid the punishment. To do so, he will only make the minimal effort necessary to escape your wrath. Your child will have neither interest nor the will to act the way you want.
  • Praise and approval from parents are critical to motivate children. Hence, your child will reinforce the same behavior he did that earned him your approval.

How Does Positive Reinforcement For Children Work?

For every behavior, your child shows, there is a positive and negative approach as well as a positive and a negative consequence. If you react to your child’s behavior with a negative approach, chances are your child will repeat the same mistake or behavior. On the other hand, if you respond positively to your child’s behavior, he may most likely feel encouraged to do things the way you want.

How To Show Positive Reinforcement Towards A Child?

Positive Reinforcement Towards A Child

There are many ways in which you can show positive reinforcement towards your child. You do not always have to act in a certain way or say a certain thing. Often, a gesture or a sign is enough to show your child what you mean:

  • Give your child a pat on the back.
  • Give a thumbs-up sign.
  • Show your approval to your child with a smile or a nod.
  • Clap or cheer for your child.
  • Hug your child often.
  • Give him a high five.
  • Let your child know that you loved his actions.
  • Make sure you tell others about instances that make you feel proud of your child. Do it in front of your child so that he too knows that you are proud of him.
  • Use specific phrases that tell your child you appreciate what he did. Using phrases like ‘I love the way…’ ‘I am proud that…’ ‘I am so happy that …’, ‘It is wonderful that….’, will tell him in very clear words that you love his behavior.

Child positive reinforcement will not only make them feel better, but it will also make you feel good as a parent. You will see a marked change in your child’s attitude. Not just that, you will also experience a feeling of calm and happiness that you lost while shouting and scolding your children.

Image Credit: freepik

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