Himalayan Salt Vs Sea Salt: Which Is Better for You?

Himalayan Salt Vs Sea Salt Which Is Better for You

The benefits and usefulness of Himalayan salt and sea salt often remain a matter of debate among health-conscious people. Both these salts differ in terms of processing, nutrients, and minerals. 

This article will compare Himalayan Salt Vs Sea Salt to help you understand which is beneficial for your health. Keep reading!

Salt is basically a mineral containing the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), around 98% by weight (1). There are two ways of extracting salt: one is by evaporating sea water, and the other is by underground salt mines.  

Before salt becomes edible, it undergoes a lot of refining to remove impurities. At the same time, some ingredients are added to it, such as anticaking agents and iodine. Since salt offers many health benefits due to its sodium and iodine content, it becomes a necessary part of the diet. 

Besides advantages, salt also causes many health issues, such as high blood pressure. Therefore, understanding the types of salts and their pros and cons is highly important. 

Difference Between Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is also called as pink salt. It is extracted from one of the oldest and largest salt mines in the world, the Khewra Salt Mine. It is located near the Himalayas in Pakistan. 

It is believed that the salt present in the mines is thousands of years old and formed as a result of the evaporation of ancient bodies of water (2). 

Factors that make Himalayan salt interesting include-

  • Hand-extracted
  • Minimally processed 
  • Unrefined 
  • Free of additives 
  • Rich in minerals not found in table salt

The iron present in Himalayan salt contributes to giving it its characteristic pink color. 

Sea Salt

Sea Salt

Sea salt is extracted from seawater. Depending upon its mineral constitution, sea salt is typically white or slightly gray in color. Since it contains many impurities, it undergoes the process of refining to remove them (3).   

Below is the table differentiating Himalayan salt and sea salt on different aspects-

FeatureHimalayan SaltSea Salt
SourceMined from salt mines in the Himalayan regionObtained by evaporating seawater
ColorPink or reddish due to trace mineralsWhite or slightly gray depending on mineral content
Mineral ContentContains trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassiumContains minerals present in seawater such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium
FlavorMild, subtle flavor with hints of mineralsClean, briny flavor with no additional minerals
TextureCoarse textureCoarse or fine texture depending on processing
Culinary UsesUsed in cooking, seasoning, and as a finishing saltCommonly used in cooking, baking, and seasoning
PriceGenerally more expensive than sea saltVaried, can be less expensive depending on type and quality
Health BenefitsSome claim health benefits due to mineral contentProvides essential minerals, similar to table salt
OriginHimalayan region, primarily PakistanOceans and saltwater bodies worldwide

Himalayan Salt Vs. Sea Salt- How to Use It?

Sea salt is commonly used in many households as a prominent ingredient in meals (4). Most of the preparations require salt as an important component. While some people prefer sea salt, go-to option of others is Himalayan salt as it is less refined. 

From using Himalayan salt in cooking to putting it in sauces and marinades, the options are plenty. However, at times, the coarse texture of Himalayan salt makes it unsuitable for many dishes. It is when the role of sea salt comes into play.  

Another prominent difference between Himalayan salt and sea salt is their sodium content. The same amount of sea salt contains a high amount of sodium as compared to Himalayan salt. Therefore, people with blood pressure issues should consider this before using any of them. 

Besides sodium, the two salts also differ in their nutritional content as follows- 

Minerals Himalayan SaltTable Salt
Calcium (mg)1.60.4
Potassium (mg)2.80.9
Magnesium (mg)1.060.0139
Iron (mg)0.03690.0101
Sodium (mg)368381

Besides being rich in minerals and thus offering health benefits, Himalayan salt is also popular for many non-dietary uses, such as

  • Helps improve different skin conditions 
  • Soothes sore muscles 
  • Helps make salt lamps that remove air pollutants 
  • Combats respiratory problems 

Even though these are the popular non-dietary uses of Himalayan salt, large-scale studies are required to confirm them. 


When it comes to dietary uses, Himalayan salt could be a great addition to your kitchen ingredient as contains a number of minerals. Being unrefined makes it more valuable than sea salt. 

Here, it is important to mention that no studies have compared the health effects of Himalayan salt vs sea salt. Thus, we cannot rely only on a few claims. 

However, if you are health-conscious or have high blood pressure, considering options that have low sodium will be beneficial. It is when the role of Himalayan salt comes into play. It could be a great alternative with added minerals that will benefit your health in many ways.

Also, do not forget that the iodine content in sea salt is imperative, and any salt that lacks iodine could make you deficient, inviting some major health issues. So, make your choice mindfully only after weighing all the pros and cons of Himalayan salt and sea salt. 

Image Source : canva

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