Top 6 Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss

bodyweight exercises for weight loss

In case you are looking for way to tone down your body and bring it into shape with minimal equipment, try out body weight exercises. These can help you to lose few kilos and also trim inches. Here are some of best body weight exercises to lose weight.

[ Read: Best Exercises to Lose Weight Easily ]

6 Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss

1. Sumo Squats

sumo squats for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Stand with feet wider than the shoulder-width. Keep the toes pointing a little outward.
  • Keeping the core tight and shoulder back, start lowering the body towards the mat. Go as far as you are comfortable.
  • Push through the heels and then come back to the starting point in a controlled and slow manner.

Number of Repetitions: Repeat this 15- 20 times.

How it Helps: This will help in toning the inner thighs, hamstrings, and glutes. It will shape up the legs by using the body weight.

2. Push Ups

push ups for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Get on your hands and toes and keep the body in a straight line from the hip to the shoulder.
  • Keep the core tight and bend the elbows while lowering body towards the floor.
  • Don’t touch the mat, stop before you are about to and then come back to the starting point.
  • Do this in a slow and controlled manner.

Number of Repetitions: Repeat this 10-15 times.

How it Helps: It isolates triceps, chest, and shoulder while keeping the core strong. The pose will help in losing belly fat and tone down the abdomen.

3. Mountain Climbers

mountain climbers for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Get on your hands and toes and keep the body in a straight line from the hips to the shoulders
  • Bring the right knee close to the chest and while you return the foot to ground, bring the left knee towards the chest, immediately
  • Do this at a quick pace.

Number of Repetitions: Keep doing this for 30 to 40 seconds at a quick pace.

How it Helps: This works the whole body and is going to burn a lot of calories in the process.

4. Triceps Dips

triceps dips for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Get a sturdy box and keep your hands on them. You can also use a chair or a bench.
  • Keep the legs stretched in front of you.
  • Bend the elbows and lower the body to the ground in a controlled manner.
  • Stop prior to the glutes touching the ground and come back to the starting position.

Number of Repetitions: Repeat this for 15-20 times.

How it Helps: It is one of the best body weight exercises to tone down the back of your arm.

5. Lunges

lunges for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Stand straight, placing the right foot in front of the left one.
  • The hips and knees should be facing forward.
  • Keep the stomach tight and the shoulder back. Lower the body by bending the knees.
  • Stop prior to hitting the floor and come back to the starting position.

Number of Repetitions: Repeat this 10-15 times on each side.

How it Helps: It works the whole body from the glutes to the lower body.

6. Side Plank Dips

side plank dips for weight loss

How to Do:

  • Lie down on your right, place the elbows on the ground and keep the feet stacked.
  • Raise the hip up from the floor into a position of side plank.
  • Stop at the top and then lower the hip towards the floor in a controlled manner.
  • Stop hip movement just before it is about to hit the ground and then move to full side plank.

Number of Repetitions: Do this for 30 seconds and repeat it on the other side.

How it Helps: Side plank tends to target the oblique and can trim the waistline and when you add the extra dip, it will improve muscle posture and control.

These exercises will get your muscle working and activate the core, upper body, and he lower body. Combine it with some cardio exercises to get the best result.

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