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So, you got your wisdom teeth pulled lately and now wondering, can wisdom teeth grow back?
It’s a common query that people often ask if wisdom teeth also grow back like milk teeth. The plain answer is NO. Wisdom teeth do not grow back; however, if you are one of those who develop more than the typical four wisdom teeth, the chances of new eruptions are there. These are called supernumerary teeth.
According to a study, out of 7,300 people, only 2 percent develop supernumerary teeth (1). So, you can’t be so sure of getting them after removal.
At the same time, it is not necessary that these teeth will appear at the same site of extraction but anywhere in the mouth. The presence of supernumerary teeth becomes visible only in a dental X-ray.
Let’s find out more about wisdom teeth, their importance, and why the removal becomes necessary at times.
What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third molars that usually erupt in young adults. The general time of their eruption is around 17 to 21 years of age. Since this is the time when we start calling ourselves adults and believe we can gain some wisdom in life, they are named wisdom teeth.
Usually, it is believed that every organ we have in our body performs certain functions. None of them is of no use; however, when it comes to wisdom teeth, the fact becomes untrue. Even though every tooth performs different roles, wisdom teeth do not have a particular one. In fact, they cause trouble to most people. It is the reason why they are removed.
Why Do We Need Wisdom Teeth?
The presence of wisdom teeth can be dated back to the evolutionary past when humans used to eat raw, uncooked, and difficult-to-chew food. As an instinct for survival, the body developed wisdom teeth to help people feed flesh and uncooked food easily (2). Thus, it helped our ancestors survive.
However, today, when we eat properly cooked and easy-to-chew food, the canine and molars are enough. Since wisdom teeth have no use and their eruption often causes other dental issues, people often remove them.
Why Should You Remove Wisdom Teeth?
While our ancestors used to have larger mouths and gums, they accommodated wisdom teeth pretty easily. As we evolved, the size of the mouth, as well as the gums, decreased, giving less space for wisdom teeth. Often, they erupt crooked and cause pain.
The doctor suggests wisdom teeth removal if you are facing the following problems –
- pain
- infection
- cysts
- tooth decay
- gum disease
- tumors
- damage or potential damage to neighboring teeth
Besides these, if you are visiting a dentist to get some orthodontic procedure like teeth alignment or using braces, the dentist may recommend removing wisdom teeth.
At the same time, wisdom teeth sometimes often grow impacted (3). It means they are developing at an odd angle beneath the gum surface. Such eruptions may cause huge difficulty at a later age. In such cases, the dentist also recommends their removal.
When Should I Worry About My Wisdom Teeth?
Sometimes, people do not face any problems due to wisdom teeth. In such cases, there is no need for their removal. However, make sure to visit the dentist to know they are not impacted or crooked, which can cause problems later in life.
At the same time, keep an eye on the wisdom teeth and check for the following-
Position of Wisdom Teeth
If your teeth are trapping more food and increasing the chances of cavities due to bacterial buildup at the trapped site, check if it’s happening around the wisdom teeth. Often, they grow crooked, leaving space for food to get trapped. In such a case, you may need to remove the wisdom teeth.
Eruption Of Wisdom Teeth
If the wisdom teeth are not able to erupt properly, they will get crooked. As a result, you may face problems in flossing and cleaning effectively between the second and third molar (wisdom).
At the same time, wisdom teeth often come out partially due to small gums and lack of space. It will not only cause pain but invite bacteria to prevail. As a result, the gums get infected and swollen.
Not Enough Space
Since the gums are small and have less space to accommodate wisdom teeth, they may create crowding. It increases the chances of neighboring teeth getting damaged. Such impacted teeth are also prone to cyst development that can affect the roots of teeth and jawbone.
In all these cases, removing wisdom teeth is the last resort. Once removed, there are no or rare chances of wisdom teeth growing back.
Symptoms Of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted teeth as a result of wisdom teeth development is a common issue. It becomes problematic when you get an infection and start having the following symptoms-
- swollen gums
- tender gums
- bleeding gums
- swelling around the jaw
- jaw pain
- difficulty opening your mouth
- bad breath
- unpleasant taste in the mouth
In such cases, it is better to get the wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible to prevent further problems. Once the impacted wisdom teeth are removed, the dentist can work on the infection and provide the treatment to clear it.
Now, if you question whether wisdom teeth can grow back, fret not! They have caused enough pain and damage, and once removed, the chances of them growing back are very rare.
If you are one among those who develop supernumerary teeth, the dentist will provide the right solution and tell you if they need removal as well. Remember, these supernumerary teeth can appear anywhere in the mouth and aren’t necessarily wisdom teeth.
Allow your dentist to take a closer look and get a dental X-ray to provide the right solution and curb the problem.
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