How to Remove Tan with Honey

honey for tan removal

You can enjoy a good summertime on the beaches. But, it’s impossible to escape the harmful UV rays of the sun. Your face and your skin will get darkened and you will be worried to get back the lost glow of your skin.

Is Honey Good for Removing Tan?

  • Yes, honey is absolutely great to remove tan. It’s a natural ingredient.
  • It has some antibacterial properties that can give a tan free skin without any side effects.
  • To make your skin tan-free, you should always go for the natural remedies.
  • Honey is 100% natural product and it can rejuvenate your skin.

How to Use Honey for Tan Removal

Honey can be used with natural ingredients. Some ideas are given below to help you.

1. Honey and Lemon Juice to Remove Tan

Honey Good for Removing Tan


  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.

How to do

  • Clean your tanned skin and dry it.
  • Apply the mixture of honey and lemon juice.
  • Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Wash your skin.

How it Removes Tan: Honey and lemon both are antibacterial. The acidic properties of lemon can help you to remove the tan from your skin.

2. Curd and Honey for Tan

Curd and Honey for Tan


  • Curd or yogurt two tablespoons (for oily skin one tablespoon).
  • Honey two tablespoons.

How to do

  • Mix the two ingredients well.
  • Apply the mixture on your tanned skin.
  • Keep it for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your skin.

How it Removes Tan: Card has lactic acid and it’s good for your skin. Your skin will be moisturized and the dead cells will be removed from your skin. You can see a glow on your skin.

3. Coffee and Honey for tan Removal


  • One tablespoon coffee powder.
  • One tablespoon honey.

How to do

  • Mix these ingredients.
  • Apply the mixture on your tanned skin.
  • Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Wash your skin.
  • You can apply it once in a week.

How it removes tan: Coffee powder has caffeine. It can rehydrate your skin and it also helps to keep your skin healthy. It protects your skin from the sun rays.

4. Tomato and Honey for Tan Removal


  • One tomato.
  • One tablespoon homey.

How to do

  • First of all you have to peel the tomato. Then, you can smash the tomato in a grinder.
  • After that, you can add a tablespoon of honey with it. Mix the ingredients well.
  • Apply the mixture on your tanned skin area.
  • Keep it for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash your skin.

How it Removes Tan: Lycopene in tomatoes are great anti-oxidants. Apart from this, tomatoes have mild acidic properties. They can remove the tan and your skin will not be damaged.

5. Milk and Honey for Tan Removal


  • Half cup milk.
  • One tablespoon honey.
  • One tablespoon lemon juice.

How to do

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on your tanned skin.
  • Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes. Let your skin be dried.
  • Wash your skin.

How it Removes Tan: Milk is full of good vitamins. It nourishes your skin and makes it smooth. The lemon with its acidic properties helps to remove the tan from your skin.

You can try all the above methods to remove tan from your skin. All of them are natural ingredients and they won’t harm your skin. But, if have a sensitive skin or if you are allergic, then you should apply these mixtures with necessary precautions.

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