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At the beginning of every relationship, there is a cycle of chasing and courting. You must have offered her red roses, chocolates, a thoughtful gift, or even written a romantic verse to win her heart.
To maintain the romance, you need to be a good boyfriend to her. A perfect boyfriend does not have to get everything right; if his feelings are true, everything works out. He has to be emotionally supportive and genuine but does not have to agree to everything the girl says. Here are some tips to be a good boyfriend to her.
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25 Ways To Be A Good Boyfriend

Remember that these tips do not apply to every relationship, as everyone is unique, and each relationship has its own dynamics. Use these tips only if it applies to your relationship and based on what you know your partner will like and appreciate.
1. Show her you’re not done trying
Flowers, presents, surprise dates, cooked dinners — there’s no end to the things you can do to surprise your girlfriend. But these shouldn’t come to an end just because you are now together. Show her you’re constantly trying to make her fall (even further) in love with you every day.
2. Get to know her better
Women like to talk about their likes and dislikes. You may want to get to know her better by asking about her favorite cuisine, her hobbies, or her childhood ambition. Put in the effort and get to know her a little better every day.
3. Keep her on her toes
Keep surprising her every day, show your love to her, and keep her happy. Enliven her mood, especially when she’s feeling low or had a difficult day, or for no reason at all. Let her feel like she’s constantly in the process of being wooed and keep her guessing about the next surprise.
4. Demonstrate your commitment to the relationship
People like to know their relationship is heading somewhere. Show her your commitment by simple acts that reinforce that you’re in this for the long haul. Unfriend your ex if your romantic partner is insecure about her, and quit smoking or drinking if she doesn’t like it. Show her that you’re willing to change your behavior for the relationship, and she’ll value you a lot more for it.
5. Learn to love her flaws
No one is perfect. Imperfections are a part of life. Your romantic partner could be careless with money, mess up a dish, or forget her keys, but you should learn to accept her shortcomings. These can often define who she is, and you have to learn to love the full package, flaws included.
6. Get closer to her family and friends
Although you may already have mutual friends or acquaintances before dating, now is the time to take it one step further. Make her friends your friends, and spend time with them together. Try to take your relationship to the next level by making an additional effort to know her family, especially her parents.
7. Open yourself up to her
Everyone has something they don’t want to talk about because it makes them feel uncomfortable or insecure. With your girlfriend, you should be able to talk about these things openly. It might help you overcome some of your insecurities. Let her know your shortcomings and fears, and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable around her. It shows that you trust her with these innermost secrets.
8. Remember the things that matter
Whether you’ve been dating a week or a year, there will always be occasions to celebrate certain things. Show her you care by remembering anniversaries, monthiversaries, your first kiss, etc. You can go above and beyond to make these occasions special for her.
9. Go the extra mile
Love is about walking that extra mile. Surprise her by showing up at her doorstep to hang out in person. Add a dash of romance by ordering her favorite food or making a meal for her. You don’t have to be a professional chef. The idea is to express your love and not show your culinary skills.
10. Prioritize her wishes
She may want you to skip the evening drink with your friends to spend quality time with you or watch a romantic movie instead of an action flick. Respecting her wishes is the key to making her happy, especially if this is something you would not do for others.
11. Follow her advice
People usually follow their own hearts when making important decisions, whether it is family, career, or finances. It is completely fair to do so. However, the real test in a relationship is accepting your girlfriend’s advice on crucial issues. This proves your trust in her in the most important aspects of life.
12. Introduce her to everyone who matters to you
Everyone wants to be included, and relationships are no exception. Introduce her to your friends, your family, and even your colleagues. Let her know that she’s an important part of your life.
13. Be loyal to her
Being loyal to your partner is a key element of any successful relationship. You should avoid flirting with strangers online. Never involve yourself in a romantic context with anyone other than your girlfriend. Make sure you don’t flirt, get overly friendly, or do anything that could betray her trust and make her insecure.
14. Trust her without questioning her
Do not doubt her when she meets her male friends. Do not worry about who she texts or calls. If she plans to establish a relationship with you, she will stay away from situations that make you uncomfortable. If you can demonstrate that you are secure in your relationship, it will reinforce her affection for you.
15. Don’t forget the little things
Compliment her for putting on new clothes, losing weight, or preparing a dish you love. Thank her for her company in difficult times, and talk to her when you are down. Appreciate the joy she brings into your life every day, and your relationship will be as solid as a rock.
16. Be supportive of her decisions
In healthy adult relationships, sometimes, everyone wants to explore new areas. It may be art, a musical instrument, or even a new job or hobby. You must be supportive of the choices she makes. People around her might undermine or discourage her, but you shouldn’t be one of them.
17. Admit it when you’ve made a mistake
Our ego can often be the biggest obstacle after an argument. Admitting your mistakes does not mean you are weak. On the contrary, it shows your strength of character and humility. Introspect when things go wrong between you. Things may not always be black and white. It takes two people to fight. Gracefully accept if you have made a mistake.
18. Forgive her when she makes a mistake
We have discussed how admitting to your faults shows how much you care about her. Similarly, forgive her when she admits her faults. No matter how big the mistake, if she admits her fault and wants to patch up, you should accept it with grace. Being a big man usually means sacrificing many things, including your happiness at times.
19. Don’t hold back when it comes to showing how you feel
People often hold back in relationships, stopping just short of confessing how strongly they feel about each other. This could be because they don’t want to seem needy. Don’t make that mistake. When you feel strongly about her or feel your relationship is getting more serious, be open about it with her. You gain nothing by being the one who is less invested in the relationship. If the topic changes to the future of the relationship, be honest with her and tell her how you feel.
20. Show her off to the world
A serious girlfriend isn’t just another person in your life — she should be at the center of it! Show her that she is by letting the world know this. You can be openly affectionate with her in front of friends and family, in public, or even on social media. She’s a big part of your life, and people should know that. This can go a long way in reassuring her that you adore her.
21. Know when your relationship has evolved
If your relationship is going well, and you are confident that she is “the one,” be ready to take the next step in your relationship. Whether it’s moving in together or proposing, know when something significant has changed in your relationship and be ready to act on it.
22. Know her relationship goals and work towards them
Everyone has certain relationship goals that they would want to achieve. Find out what these are and make them come true for her. It could be a perfect kiss, a dream vacation, or even a perfect date. Discuss about your goals as well.
23. Be there for her through it all
It’s not enough for you to be present in the happy moments of her life, such as when celebrating her birthday. It is more important to stand by her in difficult times or when things go wrong. You could listen to her rant after a hard day at work or let her vent at you when she’s going through a rough patch. Be her rock through all these times, and she will surely remember it when things are better.
24. Be ambitious
Share your goals and ambitions with her, and let her know that you’re willing to grow and reach out for something bigger and greater in the future. This will make her feel secure that she is with someone who is constantly challenging themselves to improve.
25. Grow with her
People change over time, and people change in each other’s company. Make sure that you are a positive influence on each other. Learn from her best habits and let her benefit from yours. If you grow and mature together as people, your relationship will grow stronger as a result. Relationships can be tricky at the best of times, and everyone makes mistakes. However, with a little self-awareness and effort, we can ensure that we keep our relationships healthy and happy. Rather than it being one sided where you do everything according to her wish, discuss and come to a mutual understanding. Maintain your view point whilst being caring and loving.
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