Baking Soda for Acne: How to Use?

baking soda for acne

Pimples can give you headaches in your life, no matter how much care you take. there is a way natural way to control it and get rid of Acne with Baking soda. This single ingredient you found in your kitchen easily it can be used successfully to get rid of pimples easily. Let us read to know some effective homemade methods to use baking soda for acne treatment.

Does Baking Soda Help Acne?

Baking Soda Help Acne
  • It acts as a base and as acid, which means it regulates pH balance of the skin, one of the main causes of pimples.
  • Dries the skin, removing excess sebum that causes pimples and blackheads;
  • Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, which reduces the size and redness of pimples;
  • When mixed with water, sodium bicarbonate forms a thick paste which exfoliates skin, removing the dirt, grease and dead skin cells.

How to Use Baking Soda for Acne

Treatments for pimples on the market can be very expensive, Here are the easy solution to get rod of. One advantage of using sodium bicarbonate for pimples is that it is a very cheap ingredient, but extremely effective. Before applying this solution, you should know that acne severe than can not be cured by a treatment offered by your dermatologist. We do not recommend using herbal treatments to treat this skin condition because it is likely to worsen. Treatment with sodium bicarbonate should be used for those pimples that you appear occasionally.

Let’s see how exactly help baking soda to your skin cleaner and brighter:

1. Baking Soda and Water for Acne

Baking Soda and Water for Acne

You’ll need:

Preparation time: 3 minutes.

How to do:

  • First, clean the face with the products we use routinely and rinse your skin well. dry it.
  • The first variant to use sodium bicarbonate for pimples is to make a thick paste that you apply it only on the acne causing areas.
  • Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water to form the paste.
  • If you recently squeezed pimples, it might sting a little area.
  • Leave it after 15 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water, dab dry and apply a moisturizer.

Best time to apply: Morning.

Repetitions: Once in a day.

2. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice for Acne

Baking Soda Based mask can be used as a treatment for acne.

You’ll need:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

  • Mix baking soda and lemon juice in water to make a smooth paste.
  • After properly cleaning your face,
  • Apply the paste all over your face, being careful not to get in your eyes.
  • Leave the mask for about 15 minutes, then remove it with warm water.
  • It is possible that flush red skin a bit, but do not worry because it is normal.
  • Moisturize skin well after using this mask with baking soda

Best time to apply: Morning.

Repetition: Once in a day.

Benefit: The same recipe can be used to exfoliate the skin, only this time it must be easy to massage your skin after applying the paste. Use circular motions, gentle.

3. Baking Soda for Back Acne

Many people face the problem of pimples appeared on the back or chest. Baking soda can solve this problem. You only have to take a bath and put baking soda in water to exfoliate and heal the skin.

You’ll need:

  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • water.

Preparation time: 5 minutes.

How to do:

  • At a tub of water put about 100 grams of baking soda and stir well to dissolve it.
  • Do not add other chemicals, such as shower gel, bath salts or bubble bath.
  • Sit in the tub about 15-20 minutes and then rinse out the shower.
  • You’ll notice how slowly disappear blackheads and pimples in these areas of the body.

Best time to do: Morning.

Repetitions: Daily once.

Tips and Precaution

  • Remember that Using too much baking soda can dry out the skin and cause irritation and redness in people who have sensitive skin.
  • Therefore it would be wise to test the reaction of skin before applying bicarbonate on your face.
  • Even if you have seen any side effects, it would be better not to use this remedy very often because it can have the opposite effect to the one intended and disturb the pH of the skin, causing more serious skin problems.
  • The ideal time is to apply this remedy 2 times per week.

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