How to Clean Ears With Hydrogen Peroxide

how to clean ears with hydrogen peroxide

If you are feeling you have a blocked ear it could be due to all the ear wax that has perhaps accumulated there. The ear canal gets blocked causing irritation and pain. It is a very common problem and must be treated promptly else it leads to complications. Earwax is better known as cerumen. It is a natural substance produced by the body as part of a defence mechanism to protect the ear from foreign particles. It also acts as a natural lubricant that attracts the dirt and stops the bacterial growth. It is essential to remove earwax regularly, but only when required else you can harm the eardrum. Here we discussed how to cleaning ears with hydrogen peroxide.(1)

Can You Clean Out your Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide

  • If you are worried the following points will prove otherwise
  • It removes bacteria through oxidation, so the skin will not be affected,
  • It is antimicrobial so it disallows growth of any germs.
  • It is antiseptic in nature.(2)

How To Cleaning Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide

Cleaning Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar

cleaning ears with hydrogen peroxide


  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 1 bulb syringe


  • Mix the ingredients
  • Pull some of the solutions into the syringe
  • Tilt your head to the side and pour a few drops of the solution
  • Using the ear flap, pump the solution into the ear
  • Continue for 15seconds
  • Turn your head so the solution drains out.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean any earwax on your outer ear
  • Repeat the same process for your other ear as well
  • Rinse your ear with warm water
  • Let your ears dry

Repetitions: As and when required.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Best Time To Apply: Anytime during the day.

How It Work:

  • The astringent properties of vinegar fights microbial infections and heals the ear.(3)
  • It also helps in cleaning the ear.

Tips: Use a hydrogen peroxide solution that contains 3% hydrogen only.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Alcohol to Clean Ears


  • 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 1 bulb syringe


  • Mix the ingredients
  • Pull some of the solutions into the syringe
  • Tilt your head to the side and pour a few drops of the solution
  • Using the ear flap, pump the solution into the ear
  • Continue for 15seconds
  • Turn your head so the solution drains out.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean any earwax on your outer ear
  • Repeat the same process for your other ear as well
  • Rinse your ear with warm water
  • Let your ears dry

Repetitions: Repeat every few weeks.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes.

Best Time To Apply: Anytime.

How It Work:

  • Alcohol helps to dissolve the earwax easily and dries the ear.
  • It delays the earwax accumulation thus reducing the chances of an infection coming your way.

Tips: Use a hydrogen peroxide sol ution that contains 3% hydrogen only.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Water to Clean Ears


  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 1 bulb syringe


  • Mix the ingredients
  • Pull some of the solution into the syringe
  • Tilt your head to the side and pour a few drops of the solution
  • Using the ear flap, pump the solution into the ear
  • Continue for 15seconds
  • Turn your head so the solution drains out.
  • Use a cotton swab to clean any earwax on your outer ear
  • Repeat the same process for your other ear as well
  • Rinse your ear with warm water
  • Let your ears dry

Repetitions: A single use is good enough.

Preparation Time: 1 minute.

Best Time To Apply: Anytime.

How It Work: It is antimicrobial so it disallows growth of any germs, It is antiseptic in nature so there will be no infections(4)

Tips: Always use a hydrogen peroxide solution that contains 3% hydrogen only. Never go for a stronger concentration as it can lead to internal damage if heavily concentrated.

How Often Should You Clean Your Ears With Hydrogen Peroxide:

You must use it regularly but only when required. Consult your doctor before use to stay safe, as the irritation can be caused by an infection as well.

These are some methods of using hydrogen peroxide to clean your ears. One should remember, that ear buds are dangerous and one should refrain from using it ever. These washes mentioned above are safe and can be tried. However, if there is any kind of reaction, one should seek medical help immediately.

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