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If one is looking for ways to burn calories, there are different ways to do so. 150 calories is an amount that is effective for everyday weight loss and for ensuring weight management in the long run. With the objective of burning 150 calories, one can plan their meals, exercises and activities accordingly. Always remember, when it comes to burning calories and losing weight, consistency is all you need to achieve your goals.
Here is a list of popular physical activities that one can combine or choose from in order to lose weight and manage calories.
20 Quick Ways to Burn 150 Calories
1. Biking
This activity can be done at different intensity levels. For instance, if one is riding at a pace of 14 to 16 miles per hour for a time period of 14 minutes, it will help them to burn about 150 calories. The same can be done at a medium pace of 12 to 14 miles per hour which will take about 17 minutes for burning the said amount of calories. If one is riding at a pace that is easy, say 10 to 12 miles in an hour, it would require 22 minutes of biking.
2. Jogging
This is another beneficial activity that one can do. When done outdoors, it helps one to benefit from the fresh air and sunshine. Besides, joggings is one of those activities that strengthen muscles, build strong bones and keep cardiovascular fitness. To make this activity effective one needs to do it for 19 minutes.
[ Read: How to Burn More Calories While Walking ]
3. Running
The difference between running and jogging is intensity. This physical activity requires more kilojoules and demands more effort from the different organs like heart, lungs and muscles than jogging. Even though it requires a higher level of overall fitness than jogging and walking, it is effective to burn calories faster (1).
Nowadays running is picking up pace in many, especially as a lifestyle sport. It can be done indoors, on a treadmill or outdoors. When facing the outdoors and the rough terrain, one can run at a speed of 8 miles per hour for a time span of 10 minutes or run at a slower pace, that of 6 miles per hour and for a time of 13 minutes to ensure that 150 calories are burnt off.
[ Read: Health Benefits of Running Daily ]
4. Gym Workouts
Taking on membership at a health club or gym can be an effective way to ensure that you burn the required calories during a week. Most gyms have trainers who can help members do circuit training, push-ups and other forms of strength training for about 17 minutes. When doing the treadmill or taking an aerobics class, one needs to ensure that they exercise for a total span of 22 minutes. Elliptical machines can be used for about 24 minutes that helps to burn 150 calories in a session.
[ Read: 9 Best Bodyweight Exercises to Burn Fat ]
5. Exercise Classes
Most gyms organize exercise classes that act as effective ways for members to exercise, in a group and under the guidance of experts. These sessions are designed to help members lose weight for a certain time period and levels are varied as per the age and fitness levels of the individuals.
These classes have customized plans according to the specific weight loss needs of every individual. It thus helps everyone shed some extra kilos.
[ Read: How to Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes ]
6. Martial Arts Classes
Fitness classes can be several such as pilates that helps to work out the core. One can also take on classes like taekwondo, kickboxing, karate; practicing such moves for about 14 minutes is usually adequate. Min body exercises such as yoga and tai chi are effective when done for 33 minutes.
Yoga is effective not just for burning calories but attaining a high level of mental peace (2).
7. Hobby Classes
Outdoor walking clubs, social dance lessons and other recreational activities done in a group, for a time span of 30 to 60 minutes, can be effective for managing body weight.
Enrolling in such groups is healthy not just for your body but mind too. At the same time, it builds social bonding and helps you make some new friends.
8. Soccer
This is an active team game that offers several health benefits. Whether one plays it at leisure, it can help promote physical coordination, alertness as well as help burn calories.
[ Read: How to Burn More Calories ]
9. Rugby
This can be a good sport to engage in with a team. It improves physical prowess and strength; calories can be burnt at 150 calories every day by playing for 13 minutes.
10. Other Team Sports
Every kind of team sport, from cricket, basketball, volleyball, lacrosse and others can help one to stay active as well as you stave off excess weight. A session of 17 minutes is adequate for managing weight.
11. Hiking
This is a healthy way to enjoy the outdoors, especially when you are in a new town or exploring the wilderness. Hiking for 22 minutes can help one to burn calories effectively. Ensure you are equipped with all the necessary hiking equipment before starting it.
[ Read: Healthy Foods Under 50 Calories ]
12. Walking
One can walk at different paces to manage their weight. It is easy to burn 150 calories by walking briskly for 35 minutes; if the pace is slower one can walk for 40 minutes while a slow pace walk will require 53 minutes to an hour.
The best part about walking, running and jogging is they are not time-bound exercises or something on which you have to spend money. All you need a pair of good shoes and you are good to go.
A study has claimed that people may burn more calories by abandoning the pretense of “going for a run” and going for a walk at the same speed instead (3)
13. Leisure Activities
One can do different leisure activities such as playing golf, tossing Frisbee, playing with kids outside or a game like a game of table tennis for about 30 minutes.
14. Water Sports
Water sports involving swimming can help to burn calories. If one is swimming at a fast pace, the time required is 13 minutes. If it is a moderate pace the time one spends in water can be 20 minutes. Many clubs have water aerobics that are done for a time period of 30 minutes.
15. Dance

Different forms of dance help to burn calories in different ways. Ballet styles are good to practice for 22 minutes while disco dancing is also effective for about 24 minutes. Line dancing, slow-paced ballroom dancers are effective for 30 to 40 minutes.
Zumba, one of the dance forms, has gained enough popularity and is intensively used as a way to lose weight (4).
[ Read: Top 5 Dances to Help You Lose Weight ]
16. Fitness In Cold Weather
If you live in areas where weather remains cold in most months of the year, participating in some fun winter activities can help burn calories and stay in shape. These include sledding, downhill skiing as well as cross country skiing.
Skiing is one of the best winter activities that helps in recreation as well as loosing the extra weight by burning calories.
17. Yardwork
Doing garden or yard chores can be effective for burning calories. Shoveling snow by hand, spading one’s garden, pushing a lawn mower, as well as raking leaves, are activities that can help one to burn calories, especially when done for at least half an hour.
18. Home Improvement
Doing home repairs, washing windows, painting the house can help beautify the house as well as help in burning calories. No matter what activity is chosen, it should be done for at least half an hour.
19. Housework
Indoor chores also help in burning calories such as scrubbing the floor, dusting or vacuuming as well as ironing clothes. The activities should be done for 30 to 60 minutes.
20. Resting
This is another way to burn calories. If one sits back and reads for about two hours, watches television for about 2 and a half hours or sleeps for two and a half hours, these states of existence also help to burn fat.
The above activities can be combined in different ways to stay healthy and manage one’s weight. Do not indulge in just one activity but perform something for a few days and skip to another. It will maintain the consistency and the efforts to burn the calories will be met without being mundane.
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