Does Flaxseed oil Increase Breast Size?

does flaxseed oil increase breast size

Flax seeds oil are known to make the breast bigger and are the safest fatty substance for doing so. This oil has numerous benefits but it has to be used properly. It is a safe natural option that has fatty acids needed for keeping the breast skin nourished. Read on to know more.(1)

How Does Flaxseed oil Increase Breast Size and Volume?

Flaxseed oil regulates hormonal imbalances and provides essential fats which make the breasts engorged and enhance the volume. It balances the hormones. The phytoestrogens help in enhancing breast size.

Method – 1:

  • To use it, take 10 tablespoons of organic flaxseed oil and add a tablespoon of ground Pueraria Mirifica which is a strong herb, helpful in increasing breast size.
  • Mix it well in a glass container and close the lid.
  • This has to be placed in a dry and dark place for at least 3 days.
  • Strain this to get the phytoestrogens-rich flaxseed oil.
  • Massage this every day before going to bed. This can be followed by using a paper towel for removing the fat.

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Method – 2:

  • Another way is consuming 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed with water.
  • The saponin in it heals the digestive system and balances the appetite.
  • Eating well indirectly nourishes the breasts and helps in enhancing their size as more fats and liquids are stored in them.

Breast enhancement techniques like surgery and other invasive methods are expensive and come with risks too. Hence it is safer to try natural remedies that are painless and almost risk-free.

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