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Are you tired of sagging breasts? There are some simple exercises that will help you to get your breasts back in shape and look great every time. The moves are going to accentuate the curves and give you amazing outcome in a short period of time.
8 Best Exercises to Lift Sagging Breasts without Equipment
1. Lateral Plank Walk
How to Do:
- Get in plank position and keep the hands stacked under the shoulder. The lower back shouldn’t be sagging.
- Keep core tight and life the left foot and the left hand off the floor and take a step to the left. This is a rep.
- Pause for some time and then move another foot to the left. Do 10 steps on left and return to starting position in the same way.
Number of Repetitions: Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.
How it Helps: It focuses on the chest while you engage in the exercise.
[ Read: Best Exercises to Lift Breasts ]
2. Push ups
How to Do:
- Get in plank position and ensure that your body is straight.
- Lower yourself till you are one inch from the floor.
- Keep your upper arms at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Push back to starting position.
Number of Repetitions: Do this at least 10 times.
How it Helps: This is a great way to tone the body. Do this daily to see the breast tone up.
[ Read: Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss ]
3. Plank Reach Under
How to Do:
- Get in plank position and keep the hands under the shoulder and the back neutral.
- Maintain this position and start with the left arm. Lift it and touch the right knee.
- Return to the position.
Number of Repetitions: Do this 10 times on each side.
How it Helps: This tightens the muscles around the chest and is great for sagging breast.
[ Read: Yoga Poses to Tighten Sagging Breasts ]
4. Inverted Wall Push ups
How to Do:
- Stand facing the wall and bend down. Keep the arms on the floor.
- Lift the body upwards with the support of your arms. Move carefully and slowly.
- Touch the wall with feet and take its support by keeping the feet on it.
- Bring the head close to the ground and stay in the position for some seconds.
- Return to starting position.
Number of Repetitions: Do this 10 times.
How it Helps: Apart from giving your breasts a lift, it will also strengthen your arms.
[ Read: Yoga Poses to Increase Breast Size ]
5. Wall Push ups
How to Do:
- Stand straight and face the wall. Keep the face 6 inches away from the wall. Place the hands on the wall about a shoulder distance apart.
- Step back as far as you can keeping the feet on the ground.
- Inhale while going down. The glutes should be tucked when you are descending. When you push away from the wall, exhale.
Number of Repetitions: Do this at least 10 times.
How it Helps: It will target the pectoral muscles and tone your whole body.
6. Kneeling Chest Stretch
How to Do:
- Lie on the back and keep the knees bent.
- Bring on knee into the hands and allow your arms to pull the knee towards the chest. Hold and lower the bent leg.
- Repeat it with other leg.
Number of Repetitions: Do this 10 times on each side.
How it Helps: It stretches the lower and tightens your breast.
[ Read: Exercises to Tone Your Thighs ]
7. Cobra Pose
How to Do:
- Lie on your stomach and keep the legs extended.
- Place the hands under the shoulder directly and the elbows should be tucked in.
- Start lifting the chest and head off the floor.
- Stretch your arms as much as you can.
- Hold this pose for 30 seconds and return to starting position.
Number of Repetitions: Do this 3 times.
How it Helps: It is a great warm-up chest exercise and will activate the muscles.
[ Read: How to Increase Breast Size Naturally ]
8. Swimming
How to Do: Swimming is a great breast lift workout. However, it will take some time to learn it.
Number of Repetitions: Go swimming once in a day.
How it Helps:
It lifts your breast and also helps you to burn a lot of calories in an hour. This will give shape to your chest.
Start doing these exercise 3 times in a week to notice the difference. Focus on the connection between mind and muscle. This will make sure that you are effectively using the chest muscles.
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