Hooded Vs Non Hooded Eyes: Understand the Differences

Hooded Vs Non Hooded Eyes Understand the Differences

Your eye shape plays a huge role in giving a characteristic to your face. At the same time, they help determine what type of eye makeup you require to get a flattering look. 

Every person has unique facial features, and their eye shape can set them apart. In this article, we will compare hooded vs. non-hooded eyes, explore their uniqueness, and find out which makeup will suit the best for these eye shapes. 

Difference Between Hooded and Non-Hooded Eyes

A number of factors determine the eye shape. These are-

  • iris’s proximity to the eyelids
  • visibility of the crease
  • angle of the outer corners

As these things differ people may get symmetrical, symmetrical, wide-set, deep-set, large or small eyes. While some people have a proper shape of their eyes, others could have a mixed shaped eye, which makes them one of a kind. 

Hooded Eyes


Hooded eyes have a prominent brow bone. As a result, the skin above the eyes seems loose or puffy, giving an appearance of hood over the top eyelid. Thus, it is named as hooded eyes. 

Sometimes, this skin folds or creases and covers the upper eyelid completely, while other times, it covers only a fraction. In either case, the lid space becomes less visible, offering less space for eye makeup application. 

People with hooded eyes have prominent brow bones and smaller upper eyelids. While some people believe it to be less convenient for makeup and lash extension, others believe that such eyes look beautiful. 

Non-Hooded Eyes

Non Hooded Eyes

When there is no crease but a single flat lid from the lash line to the brow bone, it is called non-hooded eyes. They are also called monolids, which means having only one section rather than two, unlike in hooded eyes. 

Such eyes are placed close to the brow bone, giving no space for crease formation. 

Below is the table differentiating hooded and non-hooded eyes and the kind of makeup application they require-

FeatureHooded EyesNon-Hooded Eyes
Eyelid VisibilityUpper eyelid may appear hidden under a fold of skin when eyes are open.Upper eyelid is fully visible when eyes are open.
Eyelid ShapeCrease is usually visible when eyes are open.Crease is not easily visible or may be hidden when eyes are open.
Eye MakeupRequires specific techniques to enhance visible lid space. Focus is often on the lower lid.More versatile makeup application with emphasis on upper lid.
EyelinerMay need to be applied differently to account for the hooded fold.Can be applied traditionally along the lash line.
EyeshadowGradient application technique may be used to create dimension.Can be applied in a variety of styles and techniques.
MascaraOften focuses on the lower lashes to lift the eyes.Can be applied to both upper and lower lashes.
Eyelash CurlingEmphasis may be on curling the outer lashes to open up the eyes.Can be curled throughout the lash line.
Eye ShapeEyes may appear smaller due to the hooded lid.Eyes may appear larger and more open.
Makeup TipsUse waterproof formulas to prevent smudging onto the upper lid. Avoid heavy, thick eyeliner.Experiment with different eyeliner shapes and styles. Focus on enhancing the natural lid space.

What Causes Hooded Vs. Non-Hooded Eyes? 

People are not born with hooded or non-hooded eyes. In fact, it appears as you age. 

As you cross a certain age, the skin starts to become loose and reduces its elasticity. As a result, the skin above the upper eyelid gets creased or slightly folded. Due to this, hooding occurs and you get hooded eyes. People who have parents with hooded eyes have more chances of getting them. 

If hooding is reducing the beauty of your eyes, fret not, as there are treatments to minimize it. Here, it is essential to mention that hooding doesn’t impair your vision. So, if you are okay with how your eyes look, there is no need to get any treatment. 

Treating Hooded Eyes

To combat hooded eyes, you can find many creams and lotions that promise to fix your skin by increasing its elasticity. But, once the skin has become loose, hardly any cream can bring it back to its original shape. 

In such cases, intensive treatments give beneficial results, such as

  • Botox
  • Blepharoplasty 
  • Eye lifts 
  • Dermal fillers 
  • Eyelid surgery 


Now that we have given a detailed comparison between hooded vs. non-hooded eyes, it will become easy to know what type of eye between these two you have. 

People with hooded eyes need not worry because the hood doesn’t impact their vision. If it is doing so, you have droopy eyelids that require medical attention. However, for aesthetic reasons, you may get Botox or any other cosmetic surgery to get rid of the hood. 

Those who have non-hooded eyes need to apply their eye makeup, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, etc., more precisely to improve the appearance of their eyes. 

Image Source : canva

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