6 Best Yoga Poses to Beat Belly Bloat

yoga for bloating

Bloating is a prevalent word in our life. Excessive gas formation in our belly causes bloating. In some cases, the muscles in our digestion track also cause bloating. Artificial pills and strong chemicals are used by us to get relief from bloating. But, these artificial medicines have side effects. So, you should try some natural ways to treat this bloating condition. Yoga is the right (natural) solution for bloating. Top 5 yoga poses for belly bloat are discussed below to help you.

6 Best Yoga Poses to Beat Belly Bloat

1. Knee to Chest Pose (Apanasana)

knee to chest pose for bloating

Apanasana is a pose that will help you to release the air from your belly.

How to do it:

  • First, lay down on your back. Then, bend the knees and hold them with your arms tightly, on your chest.
  • Breath for 8 to 10 times. Release the knees and repeat the pose.

How it Benefits:

  • The air in your belly will be released.
  • Your back muscles and sciatica nerve will function better.

2. Cat/Cow Pose

cat pose for bloating

The cat/cow pose is also known as Bitilasana. This pose is easy and relaxes your spine muscles.

How to do it:

  • To begin, stand on your arms and on your knees (like a baby crawls).
  • Then, while inhaling, lift your face but your belly will be downward. Your tail bone will be lifted.
  • While exhaling keep your face down and make an arch with your back.

How it Benefits:

  • Your belly muscles will be contracted and the gas in your belly will be released.
  • Your back muscles will also get relaxed.

3. Seated Forward Bend Pose

seated forward bend pose for bloating

This pose is called “Paschimottanasana” in Sanskrit language. The pose is truly beneficial for bloating like condition.

How to do it:

  • At first, sit with your legs stretched forward. Then, try to fold yourself forward.
  • Hold the toes with your hands and try to keep your nose between your knees.
  • Breath naturally and repeat the pose.

How it Benefits:

  • Your digestive system will be improved.
  • Your bloating condition will vanish.
  • Your liver and kidneys will function better.

4. Seated Twist Pose

seated twist pose for bloated belly

This pose almost squeezes out the trapped gas in your belly. The pose is effective and it’s really simple to do.

How to do it:

  • To start, sit and try to bring your bended right leg over the folded left leg.
  • Then, keeping your two palms attached, twist your spine mildly towards the right side.
  • Your face will be towards backward.

How it Benefits:

  • Your blood circulation will be improved.
  • The gas inside your belly will be released.

5. Downward Facing Dog

downward facing dog pose for bloating

The upward facing dog is an effective pose for bloating like condition. The pose is so easy that even a child can do it.

How to do it:

  • At first, stand on your arms and knees (as a baby crawls).
  • Then, try to lift your back upwards. Make an ‘arrow tip’ like shape with your back.
  • Keep your face down. Don’t touch the ground with your knees.

How it Benefits:

  • The air inside your belly will be released.
  • Your back muscles will be relaxed.

6. Upward Facing Dog

upward facing dog pose for bloating

Upward facing dog is a pose that can help you in a bloating like condition. Those who try the downward facing dog can also try this pose.

How to do it:

  • Stand on your arms and knees (as a baby crawls).
  • Try to lift your face towards the sky.
  • Don’t touch the ground with your knees.
  • Your belly will be close to the ground but in the air.

How it Benefits:

  • This pose will improve your digestive function.
  • Your spine will function better.
  • The air inside your belly will be pushed out.

All the – top 6 yoga poses for belly bloat – are natural ways to control your bloating condition. You should practice all these poses with caution and patience. You should be breathing naturally while doing these poses or asanas.

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