How To Make Lash Extensions Last Longer

how to make lash extensions last longer

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Getting lash extensions is easy, but making efforts to make them last longer indicates how badly you want them. If you want to have got the lash extension and find ways how to make the last extensions last longer, you are landed on the right page. Here we have discussed some sure-shot ways to make sure your lashes go the extra mile and enhance the beauty of your eyes.

7 Proven Ways To Let Your Lash Extensions Last Longer

1. Let Your Lashes Remain Dry for The First Few Hours

Let Your Lashes Remain Dry for The First Few Hours

How long your lash extensions will last depends on how strong the bond has been. For the best bond possible, avoid making your lashes wet for the first 24 hours of getting them. The adhesive used to apply the extensions needs time to bond strongly and set fully to the lash line.

Therefore, you need to avoid-

  • Wetting lashes while washing face for the first 24 hours
  • Exposing lashes to a steamy atmosphere for the first 48 hours
  • Sauna baths, hot yoga sessions, and intense workouts may cause sweating and tanning beds.

2. Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back is not only good for your back and shoulders but lash extensions too. You can also sleep on your side if that’s more comfortable but never on your stomach as it can brush your face on the pillow, scrubbing your lashes over it, leading to dislodging or kinking the extensions.

3. Clean Your Lash Extensions and Brush Them

Clean Your Lash Extensions and Brush Them

Another way to let your lash extensions last longer is by brushing and cleaning them daily. The two things that you need to remove from your lashes are-

  • Makeup residues
  • Dirt and grime
  • Accumulated salt

While removing makeup, wash your face and your lashes to remove the residues of makeup. Always remember to use an oil-free cleanser while cleaning the lashes. It is because oil can break the adhesion, making the lash extensions fall off easily.

Another thing to keep in mind while cleaning the lashes is to avoid pulling or tugging. Use fingertips gently or use a lash-clean brush for the purpose.

Apart from oil, salt is another thing you need to keep away from your lashes, which can also speed up the degradation of adhesive. Salt may accumulate after crying or a powerful sweat session in the gym. Wash the face and lashes immediately to remove the salt.

After cleaning, brush the lashes gently with a clean mascara wand to remove the dirt particles. Make sure the lashes do not tangle, so keep brushing for a perfect flirty look.

4. Be Gentle with Your Lashes

Once you get the lash extensions, you need to be extra careful. You have to ditch the habit of rubbing your eyes unnecessarily. At the same time, avoid tugging, rubbing, or plucking them. Until you have lash extensions, prefer not to use eyelash curlers as they may weaken the extensions, making them prone to breakage.

If you feel an itching sensation around the eyes, do not rub them vigorously; instead, make a habit of running a brush through the lashes. Sometimes, when a lash extension gets loose, you get the urge to pull it off. If you are pulling, stop immediately. Since extensions are applied over the natural lashes, pulling will pull out the natural lash as well.

If you do not want your lash extensions anymore, do not start pulling them off at home. Book your appointment at the salon and let the professionals do it. Protect your natural lashes.

5. Use Lash Sealant

You invested in yourself by getting lash extensions. Therefore, to make your investment fruitful and long-lasting, you should also purchase a lash sealant. When applied between fills, lash sealant enhances the life of your lash extensions and makes them beautiful.

6. Do Not Use Waterproof Mascara

Now that you already have gorgeous long lashes prefer to avoid using mascara. The chemicals in mascara can make a mess with your extensions and weaken their bond. However, if you want to use it, always go for waterproof mascara and put them without any stress on the lashes. Once you get the extensions, invest in mascaras made for lash extensions.

7. Schedule Regular Fills

Since natural lashes are shed daily, the extensions stuck to them will also come off. Therefore, regular fills will ensure your lashes will keep looking beautiful. A filling schedule after every two weeks is recommended.

Keep the tips in handy to make sure your lash extensions last longer and you can make your eyes look stunning every day.

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