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Acne are caused oil by the oil trapped beneath your skin which causes bacteria to grow. This happens when dirt, dead skin cells and other toxins are clogging the pores. It is not only painful but also embarrassing. It is however a good thing that you do not have to turn to expensive medication when acne breaks out on your skin. A very common household item, the garlic, is a n easy solution to the acne problem.
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How Does Garlic Help Treat Acne?
Apart from being an important requirement in the kitchen, garlic is also medicinal in nature and helps to cure diseases caused from viral, fungal to bacterial infections. As acne are caused due to bacteria, garlic is a sure shot answer to your problems. As garlic is anti-fungal, anti – bacterial, anti – septic and anti – viral in nature it helps to open up clogged pores and thus decrease the acne.
How to Use Garlic for Acne?
1. Honey and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 2 to 3 garlic cloves
- handful of freshly plucked comfrey leaves
- 1/2 cup of honey
- soft cloth
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Crush 2 to 3 garlic cloves into a smooth paste.
- Pound a handful of freshly plucked comfrey leaves and add it to the garlic paste.
- Take half a cup of honey and warm it. Now take 4 to 5 tablespoon of honey and add to the mixture.
- Blend it well.
- Warm a soft cloth and gently apply the mixture on the acne.
- This mask needs to stay overnight.
- In the morning wash it with lukewarm or cold water.
Repetitions: Apply regularly till the acne go away.
[ Read: How to Use Honey to Treat Acne ]
2. Lemon and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- 5 cloves of freshly pound garlic needs to be mixed with 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
- Blend the two ingredients to a smooth and fine past.
- Massage this pack gently onto your acne affected areas.
- Let this pack rest for at least 20 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm or cold water.
Repetitions: Apply this regularly, till the acne disappear.
[ Read: How to Treat Acne with Lemon ]
3. Ginger and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 5 fresh garlic cloves
- 2 tablespoons of peeled and minced ginger root.
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to apply:
- Mix together 5 freshly pound garlic cloves and 2 tablespoons of peeled and minced ginger root.
- You can add a little amount of water if needed.
- Gently apply this paste on the acne affected areas, let the paste dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water and pat it dry.
Repetitions: Apply this regularly, till the acne disappear.
[ Read: How to Get Rid of Acne with Tea Tree oil ]
4. Turmeric and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 5 fresh garlic cloves
- 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Mix together 5 freshly pound garlic cloves and half tablespoon of turmeric.
- Add 1 teaspoon of honey to this mixture.
- Make a very smooth paste and apply it on your face evenly using your finger tips.
- Let the paste dry on your face for at least 20 minutes then wash it off with cold water.
Repetitions: Apply this regularly, till the acne disappear.
[ Read: How to Use Turmeric for Acne ]
5. Onion and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 tablespoon of onion paste
- few drops of tea tree oil.
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Mix together 1 freshly pound garlic clove and 1 tablespoon of onion paste.
- Add a few drops of tea tree oil.
- Blend it together to form a smooth paste.
- Refrigerate it for an hour as it will ensure that your eyes don not burn due to the onion.
- Apply the pack on the acne and let it rest for 20 minutes then wash it off with cold water and pat it dry.
Repetitions: Apply this regularly, till the acne disappear.
6. Olive oil and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 5 garlic cloves
- 5 tablespoons of olive oil
Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.
How to do:
- Mix together 5 freshly pound garlic cloves and 5 tablespoons of olive oil.
- Blend it together to form a thick paste.
- Store it in an airtight container and refrigerate it.
- Consume one tablespoon of the mixture with water twice every day.
- This mixture can be stored for 48 hours.
[ Read: Benefits of Olive oil Face Mask ]
7. Tomato Paste and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 4 cloves of minced garlic
- 2 tablespoons of tomato juice
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Blend together 4 cloves of minced garlic with 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and make a thick and even paste.
- Apply this mixture on the acne and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then rinse it with cold water and apply any oil free moisturizer.
Repetitions: Apply this regularly, till the acne disappear.
8. Coconut oil and Garlic for Acne
You’ll need:
- 2 pureed or churned garlic cloves,
- 1 egg white,
- 10 drops of coconut oil,
- 1 tablespoon of honey
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Mix together 2 pureed or churned garlic cloves, 1 egg white, 10 drops of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Blend to form a smooth and even paste.
- Apply on your face and rest for 20 to 25 minutes.
- Wash it with cold water
Repetitions: Repeat twice a week for best and long lasting results.
These are a few helpful tips that can reduce acne. However, you must consult a doctor it the problem persists. Before using any ingredient, ensure that you are not allergic to them.
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