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Do you want long bigger eyelashes? How can you get these naturally? Eyelashes are a very important element of your eye. They develop from the orders of the eyelids. Long eyelashes create an attractive look. Therefore lots of women have dream to have longer lashes. If you have logically long eyelashes, you don’t have to expend much mascara to create it look longer. Read this article carefully we explain some effective ways on how to get longer eyelashes naturally at home.
How To Get Longer Eyelashes Naturally?
1. Castor oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- castor oil
- cotton swab/mascara brush
- vitamin E oil (Optional)
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Dip a cotton swab/mascara brush in small amount of castor oil
- Apply it on your eyelashes leave it overnight
- Finally wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning
Repetitions: Follow this procedure regularly for few months.
Tip: You can also add vitamin e oil with castor oil before applying.
2. Vaseline for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- vaseline
- soft-bristled eyelash brush
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Take a small amount of vaseline
- Put vaseline on soft-bristled eyelash brush
- Apply on your eyelashes
- Gently brushing your eyelashes from the root of the eyelashes and slowly move upward direction
- Continue brushing for about 5 minutes
Repetitions: Follow this method 2 times a day for few weeks.
[ Read: How to Use Vaseline for Longer Eyelashes ]
3. Coconut oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
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- 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil
- mascara brush
Preparation time: 5 to 10 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Take organic coconut oil and melt it using hot water glass
- add lemon juice and lavender essential oil.
- Remove from heat.
- Leave it for a few minutes and it becomes room temperature.
- Then you can apply it on your eyelashes using mascara brush.
Repetitions: Do this regularly until you get desired results.
4. Olive oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- mascara brush/cotton swab
- olive oil
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Firstly clean your old mascara brush/cotton swab
- heat the olive oil a little bit for few minutes
- Let it cool at room temperature and dip a clean mascara brush/cotton swab
- Apply carefully on your eyelashes (as you would apply mascara)
- Leave it overnight then rinse it with lukewarm water in the next morning
Repetitions: Follow this remedy regularly for a few months until you get the desired results.
[ Read: How to Use Olive oil for Eyelash Growth ]
5. Vitamin E oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- vitamin E capsule
- eyelash brush or comb
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Break the vitamin e capsule and squeeze out the oil
- put a few drops of oil on a eyelash brush or comb
- Apply directly on your eyelashes
- Gently brush your eyelashes from roots to slowly move upward for 3 to 5 minutes
Repetitions: Repeat this process daily twice for few months.
6. Aloe Vera for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- old mascara brush
- aloe vera leaf
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Clean your old mascara brush properly
- Take a aloe vera leaf and extract the gel using fork
- Apply freshly squeezed aloe vera gel on your eyelashes using clean mascara brush
- Leave it overnight then rinse it off with warm water in next morning
Repetitions: Repeat the above process daily until you get desired results.
7. Lemon Peels for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- handful of dried lemon peels
- Few amount of olive oil or castor oil
- airtight storage container
- old mascara brush
Preparation time: 1 to 2 weeks.
How to Do:
- Put handful of dried lemon peels in airtight storage container
- Add few amount of olive oil or castor oil in container
- Close the container and keep it in safe place for few weeks
- After take a clean old mascara brush apply this mixture on your eyelashes
- Leave it overnight then wash it off using warm water in the next morning
Repetitions: Follow this remedy for few weeks.
8. Green Tea for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- green tea bag
- water
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 5 minutes for preparation, 2 minutes for application.
How to Do:
- Prepare a cup of unsweetened green tea and let it cool
- Dip a cotton swab in green tea and apply on your lashes
- wait for few minutes then wash it off with cool water
Repetitions: Follow this procedure daily.
9. Coconut Milk for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- coconut milk
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Take a coconut milk in a bowl dip a cotton swab in it
- apply cotton swab on your lashes
- Let sit for 10 minutes then rinse it off
Repetitions: Follow this method once or twice daily for a few weeks.
10. Egg White for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- 1 egg
- 2 drops of olive oil
- mascara brush
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Break the egg and separate the egg white in a bowl
- Add olive oil to egg white and mix well
- Apply this mixture on your eyelashes using mascara brush before going to bed
- Leave it overnight and wash it off in morning
Repetitions: Follow this procedure regularly.
11. Aloe Vera Gel and Castor oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- 2 tablespoons of castor oil
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Mix aloe vera gel with castor oil thoroughly
- Apply this mixture on your eyelashes using cotton swab
- Leave it overnight then wash it off in next morning
Repetitions: Do this remedy daily for few weeks.
12. Jojoba oil and Aloe Vera for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel
- 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil
- 1 teaspoon of chamomile infusion
Preparation time: 5 to 8 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Clean your old mascara brush using hot water
- Mix fresh aloe vera gel, jojoba oil and chamomile infusion thoroughly
- Apply this mixture on your eyelashes with mascara brush
- Wait for few minutes then wash it off with warm water
Repetitions: Follow this procedure 2 to 3 times in a week.
13. Shea Butter for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- Organic shea butter
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Take a small amount of shea butter
- Apply it on your lashes with your fingertips
- Gently rub for few minutes with your fingers and leave it overnight
Repetitions: Do this regularly until you get desired result.
14. Argan oil for Eyelashes
You’ll need:
- argan oil
- old mascara brush
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to Apply:
- Firstly clean your old mascara brush with hot water
- Take a few amount of argan oil and dip clean mascara brush
- Apply this on your lashes then leave it overnight
Repetitions: Do this regularly for few months to see difference in your eyelashes.
Simple Tips to Follow to Get Longer Eyelashes
Rub Your Eyelids: Mainly common problems you might have faced by eyelashes are that they can fall out and still break if you misuse them. You can wipe your eyelids to assist it out. Massage the eyelids; it can inspire the hair follicles that assist to raise stronger eyelashes.
Brush Your Lashes: Combing your lashes will clean any dirt plus dirt particles also cheer a superior blood supply to the lashes. You can procure little lash combs, prepared especially for the job, plus a daily brush actually can assist to create your lashes grow longer moreover thicker.
Diet for Eyelash Growth: Your normal expansion of hair depends on the diet you are following. If you enclose a bad diet after that you will observe that your body will not hold to the growths properly. Your eyelashes will not boost sufficient too. Try to intake fruits plus veggies to create a amazing difference.
Remove Makeup Before Going to Bed: The longer your lashes are open from makeup, after that the better they will develop. Forever eliminate all your eye makeup at night time, to offer your lashes a chance to respire otherwise, still better, eliminate it as soon as you get home.
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